Alciato LXIV:
In eum qui sibi damnum apparat

Capra, lupum non sponte meo nunc ubere lacto,
Quod male pastoris provida cura iubet.
Creverit ille simul, mea me post ubera pascet:
Improbitas nullo flectitur obsequio.
In eum qui sibi damnum apparat

Capra, lupum non sponte meo nunc ubere lacto,
Quod male pastoris provida cura iubet.
Creverit ille simul, mea me post ubera pascet:
Improbitas nullo flectitur obsequio.
This image comes from a 1621 edition of the emblems (click on the image for a larger view), and you can also read an English translation online. For help with the Latin, here is the poem presented in an easier-to-read format, with the word order rearranged (the word order in poetry often serves the sound more than the sense), and with the phrase segments clearly marked:
Capra,The poor goat is criticizing the foolish action of the shepherd who chooses to raise a wolf cub - you can find out more about the shepherd's motives in this Aesop's fable on the same topic. Below you can see some more images from other editions of Alciato's Emblemata:
non sponte meo.
nunc lacto ubere
pastoris cura,
male provida,
Simul ille creverit,
post mea ubera
me pascet:
nullo obsequio

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